Peace all,
Yes, yes, yes it's been a while. I haven't had much to say for the past couple of weeks. I mean, of course, things have been going on. Much has been on my mind, but I haven't had the words to say what I've been thinking. I guess, it's writers block or something to that extent.
But I guess, given that it's been a week or so since the incident I'll talk about it now, looking back.
So, Faisal Shahzad attempted a bombing in Times Square and now the threat of homegrown terrorism has been flashing bright lights in the media. (read about the debate in: )
Anyway, the issue was all over the news... anti-muslim rhetoric has been rampant within American mainstream media. Obama even made a statement!
I would like to pose a couple of questions for thought:
1- Why is it when the bomb was discovered in Times Square, the area was not evacuated, however a couple of days later, a package of water bottles was discovered in the vicinity, and the area was evacuated. I mean, shouldn't Time Square have been evacuated as soon as they discovered explosive materials?
The question I am posing is that why wasn't Times Square evacuated as soon as the explosive materials were found? It seems like the police force was confident of disarming the vehicle, putting the people at Times Square at risk...
2- How is it possible that Shahzad made it through tons of airport security, when his name was being thrown about everywhere... It doesn't seem to make sense that innocent people (such as myself) get questioned so much while flying, but someone who is being 'searched for' isn't even questioned. I mean, I don't mind being questioned at the airport, I have nothing to hide, but it doesn't make sense that Shahzad seemed to slip through security like water.
3- I understand why Obama made a statement about the Shahzad attempted bombing, but really, why aren't other issues being addressed so vocally. I mean, terrorism is horrible, but things that kill americans are not being addressed. Just look at the FBI database:
Look at the stats!!! in 2005, 16,692 people were murdered, 93,934 people were raped, 417,122 people were robbed and so forth! Why aren't these issues being addressed. Honestly, in the United States how many people have been killed by 'terrorism'? I believe that those who murdered, raped and robbed are the real terrorists, and yet they are neglected from the media. This is a system issue, it should be addressed thus. It was necessary for Obama to make a statement about Shahzad, but why isn't he talking about these VERY REAL ISSUES, where people are affected on a daily basis!
My first two questions, I feel can only be concluded by one thing... There is an element of fear that is being propagated. Both result in tightening the noose of control over American citizens. I believe in protecting our citizens from terrorism, however, why does it seem that both cases (evacuation in Time Square and getting passed security) were so manageable, yet left to be pushed to the last moment, as though carefully allowed to progress? I don't mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but really, why?
In regards to people's reactions, I will have to say that despite the surplus of anti-muslim rhetoric in the media, people have been amazing, sweet, reassuring, hopeful, supportive and inclusive... This is why I love living in America and am proud to be an American, born and raised. I feel like that the general american public has not resorted to accusing all muslims of being extremists, and this makes me feel like there is still hope in the world. That people are not blindly being brainwashed by the media. In fact, people are conscious and thirsty for information unconditionally. Our country fosters a thirst for the truth, and I pray that Americans remain thirsty for the truth and the reality of the world, both nationally and internationally. We need to look beyond what is being said and hear what is not being said.
I have so much more to say on this issue, however, my post is just getting a bit too long. I will conclude with this, the problem of terrorism must be addressed, however not at the expense of people's rights and beliefs (both by attacking one issue and neglecting hundreds of others).
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